Jesus Visits the Nephites

Jesus Visits the Nephites

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Moroni 10:27-34 (02/26/19)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  I Am A Child Of God
Prayer:  Kenyon

Moroni 10:27-34

What we learned...

"Moroni said that God will show that what he wrote is true." (Kenyon)

"Moroni wrote that his words would go forth from generation to generation." (Jaron)

"Moroni is telling us not to touch the evil gift like drugs or alcohol or pornography." (Maycee)

"You can be perfected in Christ but you can't do it yourself by being sanctified in Christ." (Shaylee)

"Moroni said that if you have a hard time believing what he's saying that you will find out at the judgement day." (Brandon)

"We need to be come perfect in Christ, which means we need to repent of our sins and partake of the Atonement He has done for us." (Mom)

"Moroni ends the Book of Mormon by pleading with us to come unto Christ, become perfected in Him, deny ourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all of our might, mind and strength. If we will do this we will have the grace of Christ, which will sanctify and perfect us." (Dad)

Monday, February 25, 2019

Moroni 10:19-26 (02/25/19)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  The Wise Man Built His House Upon The Rock
Prayer:  Maycee

Moroni 10:19-26

What we learned...

"If you have no hope it's because you be in despair because of iniquity." (Maycee)

"Jesus is the same yesterday and today and will always be the same." (Kenyon)

"If there is faith, then there is hope and charity." (Jaron)

"You need more than just faith or just hope or just charity. You need all three to be saved." (Shaylee)

"You must have faith to have the Lord's protection or see signs." (Brandon)

"If you don't have hope it's because you have to repent of something in your life." (Mom)

"Jesus taught that if you have faith in Him you can do all things which are His will." (Dad)

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Moroni 10:1-18 (02/24/19)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  I Love To See The Temple
Prayer:  Mom

Moroni 10:1-18

What we learned...

"If you want to have a testimony of the Book of Mormon you have to read it with real intent and then ask God in whether it's true." (Mom)

"The difference between knowledge and wisdom with knowledge you just have to know something and wisdom you have to apply what you know." (Kenyon)

"The way to know the Book of Mormon is true to read it with a sincere heart, with real intent, and having faith in Christ." (Maycee)

"The Holy Ghost will tell you all things that are true." (Shaylee)

"Through the power of the Holy Ghost you can know the truth of all things and gain many other blessings." (Brandon)

"Gifts of the Spirit come from Christ
." (Jaron)

"In order to not be deceived and led astray by Satan we must have the companionship of the Holy Ghost since he reveals the truth of all things and can thus dispel error from truth." (Dad)

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Moroni 9:17-26 (02/23/19)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  We'll Bring The World His Truth
Prayer:  Dad

Moroni 9:17-26

What we learned...

"Some of the Nephites joined the Lamanites." (Jaron)

"Some of the Nephites decided that they didn't want to be with the Nephites anymore and thought the Lamanites would be a good team for them." (Maycee)

"The only Nephites that were left after their destruction was those who defected unto the Lamanites." (Brandon)

"The Nephites were losing all sense of guilt, remorse and emotion all together." (Kenyon)

"The Nephites were so wicked that they've gone past the point of having a guilty conscience." (Shaylee)

"The Nephites are going to perish if they don't repent, and they're going to end up like the Jaredites." (Mom)

"The Nephites were without mercy and also without order, meaning they followed no rules or laws, which made them uncivilized. In order to have civilization people have to agree on certain base rules and laws to live by and punish those who don't live by them or else the civilization falls apart." (Dad)

Friday, February 22, 2019

Moroni 9:8-17 (02/22/19)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  Happy Family
Prayer:  Maycee

Moroni 9:8-17

What we learned...

"The old Nephite widow women fainted and died." (Maycee)

"The Nephites fell to the point of wickedness where they were literally eating people." (Kenyon)

"The Nephites were eating people." (Jaron)

"The Nephites and Lamanites were committing all sorts of awful, awful sins, and Mormon knew that judgement would come soon." (Shaylee)

"The Nephites and Lamanites were both committing terrible sins, and Mormon is realizing that this is a point where their end is near." (Brandon)

"It's amazing how quickly a country or group of people can deteriorate in their morals." (Mom)

"Mormon saw in his lifetime the Nephites go from a civil and delightsome people to one that became uncivilized delighted in abomination, inlcluding raping, torturing, murdering and eating the flesh of people.  It doesn't take long for a people to go bad quickly once they become prideful, reject God, refuse to repent, stop feeling love for others and are filled with hatred and vengeance towards others. We've seen this loss of humanity in this past century, with Nazi Germany, and we are seeing many in our country today following down this same path fueled with hatred towards particular groups of people. We must not follow those who try to stir us up to hate other people, even if it means we're rejected, mocked and persecuted. We need to not go over the cliff with the rest of society like what happened with normal, civilized people in Germany during WWII." (Dad)