Jesus Visits the Nephites

Jesus Visits the Nephites

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Jacob 5:61-67 (10/30/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:  Families Can Be Together Forever
Prayer:  Shaylee

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 5:61-67

What we learned...
"When you prune a tree you can't prune off too many branches or it will die. The size of the tree determines how many you can cut off." (Kenyon)

"The Lord is telling His servants - which is us, the prophets and missionaries - to work really hard so we can get fruit from branches, which means to help save people." (Shaylee)

"When they say the first shall be last and the last shall be first, it means that the Jews were the first to receive the gospel and the Gentiles were last. Before the second coming the Gentiles will receive the gospel first, and the Jews will receive it last." (Brandon)

"The servants are the people that serve, us." (Maycee)

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Jacob 5:57-61 (10/29/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:  The Wise Man Built His House Upon The Rock
Prayer:  Jaron

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 5:57-61

What we learned...
"The Lord is going to call for missionaries and servants to go in the last days and try to save as many people as we can before He returns." (Brandon)

"The Lord didn't pluck off all the bad branches because some of them might overturn and bring forth good fruit." (Jaron)

Friday, October 28, 2016

Jacob 5:50-56 (10/28/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:  Kindness Begins With Me
Prayer:  Kenyon

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 5:50-56

What we learned...
"When the Lord of the vineyard grafted the natural branches back in it represented the gathering of Israel and the Restoration." (Kenyon)

"The servant asked if they could spare the trees a little longer, and the Lord agreed because He didn't want to lose the trees." (Shaylee)

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Jacob 5:43-49 (10/27/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:   High On A Mountain Top
Prayer:  Brandon

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 5:43-49

What we learned...
"The Lord was really sad when He had to lose one of His branches." (Shaylee)

"The Lord did all He could to save the vineyard." (Kenyon)

"The Lord grieved because He lost one of His branches." (Jaron)

"The corrupted branches took over the good roots of the tree." (Maycee & Mom)

"We learn from these verses that the Lord doesn't take pleasure in destroying the wicked but rather it caused him to grieveth, which means to sorrow greatly, like when a family member dies. And this allegory also teaches why the Lord allows the wicked to be destroyed like the people in Noah's time or the Nephites. It's not because He doesn't love them but it's because that like the corrupt branches they'll never bring forth good fruit so they need to be removed so that the tree can eventually bring forth good fruit again, which means that the Lord will give people many opportunities to repent but eventually over time if they do not repent they become so hardened in wickedness that they've passed the point of no return. They'll raise their children in wickedness, and it will continue with each following generation so that there will be nobody that will be saved."  (Dad)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Jacob 5:36-42 (10/26/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:   I'm Trying To Be Like Jesus
Prayer:  Mom

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 5:36-42

What we learned...
"The Lord did not destroy the tree because it had bad fruit because the root was still strong." (Jaron)

"The Lord was very upset because the world getting spiritually darker." (Shaylee)

"Jesus cried." (Maycee)

"It's obviously before the Nephites died off so it's a prophecy of what was going to happen." (Mom)

"The Lord wept because all of the fruit had gone bad meaning that the people of the earth could not be saved because of wickedness and apostasy." (Dad)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Jacob 5:29-35 (10/25/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:  Search, Ponder & Pray
Prayer:  Dad

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 5:29-35

What we learned...
"The time period where the tree had only bad fruit represented the apostasy." (Kenyon)

"If you're wicked and you won't repent then it makes the Lord sad and upset. " (Shaylee)

"The tree is still alive but it was bringing bad fruit." (Jaron)

"What grows on the tree is fruit." (Maycee)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Jacob 5:22-28 (10/23/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:   A Child's Prayer
Prayer:  Maycee

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 5:22-28

What we learned...
"Even if a tree is planted in good soil it can turn out bad, which means that if you're life is good without a lot of trials that you can still turn out wicked. " (Shaylee)

"Don't counsel or tell the Lord what to do." (Jaron)

"Fruit from the same tree can turn out different, some good and some bad." (Maycee & Mom)

"The Lord tries to nourish all trees the same. It's how we take the nourishment that determine where we go in life." (Brandon)

"The wicked are going to be destroyed just like the bad branches were burned." (Kenyon)

"We can flourish and bring forth good fruit no matter where we are planted or what circumstances we are in as long as we take the Lord's nourishment."  (Dad)

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Jacob 5:15-21 (10/22/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:  The Wise Man Built His House Upon The Rock
Prayer:  Jaron

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 5:15-21

What we learned...
"When we serve the Lord He serves with us." (Kenyon)

"Even if the soil is bad the tree doesn't have to be." (Shaylee)

"Even though you may be in a bad situation doesn't mean that you can't grow in the gospel." (Brandon)

"The Lord's plan worked with digging and nourishing the olive tree." (Jaron)

"When wild things are planted with good roots they can bring forth good fruit." (Maycee)

Friday, October 21, 2016

Jacob 5:10-14 (10/21/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:   Families Can Be Together Forever
Prayer:  Shaylee

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 5:10-14

What we learned...
"The Lord told the servant, or prophet, to nourish the tree, which in real life is to teach the people." (Shaylee)

"The Lord doesn't want the olive tree to die so that He can get the fruit." (Jaron)

"He (the Lord) hid them (the natural branches)." (Maycee)

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Jacob 5:3-9 (10/20/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:   Kindness Begins With Me
Prayer:  Kenyon

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 5:3-9

What we learned...
"You can cut off branches but you cannot cut off the root or else the whole tree will die. " (Shaylee)

"Unlike what people may claim the Lord isn't cruel. Like with the flood He gave them a long time to repent and if He didn't flood the earth then everyone after would have been wicked." (Brandon)

"The olive tree is the house of Israel." (Jaron)

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Jacob 4:15-18, 5:1-2 (10/19/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:   Teach Me To Walk In The Light
Prayer:  Brandon

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 4:15-18, 5:1-2

What we learned...
"Not all the prophets are in the Book of Mormon or Bible like Zenos." (Jaron)

"The prophets invite people to listen to them." (Maycee)

"You need to build your foundation upon the stone, which is Jesus."  (Mom)

"People, even prophets, should fear the Lord, not because He's scary but because we want to do the right." (Brandon)

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Jacob 4:8-14 (10/18/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:  I Love To See The Temple
Prayer:  Mom

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 4:8-14

What we learned...
"You can trust what the Holy Ghost says because the Holy Ghost cannot lie." (Kenyon)

"You don't tell the Lord what to do, but the Lord should tell you what to do. " (Shaylee)

"The Lord created the earth through the power of His word, which is by speaking." (Jaron)

Monday, October 17, 2016

Jacob 4:1-7 (10/17/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:   A Child's Prayer
Prayer:  Dad

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 4:1-7

What we learned...
"God performs miracles, people don't. " (Shaylee)

"They wrote on the plates so the word would be preserved longer." (Brandon)

"They wrote on the plates so the people would know what happened to follow Jesus." (Jaron)

"God told the Israelites to live the law of Moses because they weren't ready for the higher law." (Kenyon)

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Jacob 3:8-14 (10/16/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:  A Child's Prayer 
Prayer:  Maycee

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 3:8-14

What we learned...
"Jacob said to the Nephites that if they didn't around from spiritual slumber that they would die spiritually." (Kenyon)

"God commanded that they would stop sinning from being racist towards the Lamanites. " (Shaylee)

"There are many consequences by sinning besides punishments from the Lord like ruining people's trust, messing up your mind and ruining your family." (Brandon)

"Don't teach your kids bad stuff because they will probably do it, and it will be your fault. Also revile means you're against a person or thing." (Jaron)

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Jacob 3:2-7 (10/15/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee & Jaron 
Hymn:   The Lord Is My Shepherd
Prayer:  Dad

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 3:2-7

What we learned...
"The Lord is telling the people that if you're not pure in heart and don't repent that you're going to be punished." (Shaylee)

"The pure in heart should lift up their heads and receive the blessings of the word of God." (Jaron)

"The Lamanites loved their families, and their hatred of the Nephites came from the teachings of their parents. If parents cause children to sin through their teachings that the sin goes on them." (Brandon)

"Parents can cause hatred and bigotry to be passed down to other generations by teaching it to their children. The Lord does not condone hatred or bigotry towards anyone. Instead He teaches us to love one another, including to love our enemies and those who persecute us."  (Dad)

Friday, October 14, 2016

Jacob 2:30-35, 3:1 (10/14/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:   My Heavenly Father Loves Me
Prayer:  Jaron

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 2:30-35, 3:1

What we learned...
"If you are suffering through something because of someone else's sins, then you can pray to God and He will help you (v. 1). " (Kenyon)

"The Lord says that it's okay to have more than one wife only if they need more righteous among them and He command it." (Shaylee)

"The sins that they had were great because they knew it was wrong." (Brandon)

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Jacob 2:23-29 (10/13/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:   Kindness Begins With Me
Prayer:  Shaylee

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 2:23-29

What we learned...
"Unless the Lord specifically says that you can you're not supposed to have multiple wives. " (Shaylee)

"Many of the men rationalized that because David and Solomon had multiple wives that it was okay for them to do it too."  (Mom & Jaron)

"The Lord delights in the chastity of women." (Kenyon)

"Breaking the law of chastity is a major sin, and abomination, before the Lord and He will withdraw His blessings from those who violate the law of chastity."  (Dad)

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Jacob 2:16-22 (10/12/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:   A Child's Prayer
Prayer:  Kenyon

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 2:16-22

What we learned...
"If you're rich you should help them, not mock them. " (Shaylee)

"God loves everyone the same." (Maycee)

"That God loves everyone. Everyone is precious in His sight (v. 21)."  (Mom)

"We should not put the pursuit of money first in our lives. We should seek to do God's will and build His kingdom first in our lives. If we put God first then we will use our money to do good and help those in need."  (Dad)

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Jacob 2:9-15 (10/11/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:   Teach Me To Walk In The Light
Prayer:   Brandon

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 2:9-15

What we learned...
"Jacob had a calling, and he didn't want to do it. But he did it anyway because knew it was the right thing, and he would be judged harshly at the last day if he did not teach the people. " (Shaylee)

"Don't put earthly possessions above the Lord." (Kenyon)

"Don't put anything before the Lord." (Brandon)

"The Nephites who were rich were mean to those who were poor." (Maycee)

Monday, October 10, 2016

Jacob 2:2-8 (10/10/16)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee 
Hymn:   The Wise Man Built His House Upon a Rock
Prayer:   Maycee

CLICK TO READ  Jacob 2:2-8

What we learned...
"Jacob was very disappointed in the people of Nephi from turning from being a righteous people to wicked." (Shaylee)

"Jesus told Jacob to tell the Nephites to repent." (Maycee)

"As a family you need to teach your children and also do the things you teach them or else you'll confuse them and cause them to go astray." (Kenyon)