Jesus Visits the Nephites

Jesus Visits the Nephites

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Alma 44:17-24 (9/30/17)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron, Maycee & Elias
Hymn:  Kindness Begins With Me
Prayer:  Shaylee

Alma 44:17-24

What we learned...
"They threw all of the dead bodies into the waters of Sidon so that they wouldn't have to bury them." (Shaylee)

"The Nephites put the dead bodies into the river Sidon." (Jaron)

"There were so many people that died between the Nephites and Lamanites that they did no number them
." (Brandon)

"Covenants are very import because Moroni was angry when they wouldn't make one and Zarahemna finally made one so he wouldn't die." (Elias)

"After hopefully trying to fight back Zarahemna finally gave up and made the oath." (Kenyon)

"All of these deaths could have been avoided if Zarahemna had taken the oath." (Maycee & Mom)

"Zarahemna showed that he really didn't care about the lives of his soldiers since he was insisted on having them fight against the Nephites even though they didn't have armor to protect them and would be slaughtered and didn't stop until his own life was threatened. So he cared only about himself and not his army."  (Dad) 

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Alma 44:10-16 (9/28/17)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  High On A Mountain Top
Prayer:  Kenyon

Alma 44:10-16

What we learned...
"Zarahemna refused to take the oath even after getting a second chance." (Kenyon)

"Zarahemna was really mad that a lot of his army ditched him and that his scalp got cut off so he stirred up the remainder of him army to contend with the Nephites." (Shaylee)

"Zarahemna was mad at Moroni so he ran towards him with his sword and one of Moroni's soldiers hit his sword to the ground and cut off his scalp." (Jaron)

"After Zarahemna was scalped the rest of the Lamanites were given the option to take the covenant and many did
." (Brandon)

"Zarahemna was mad at Moroni, and he tried to kill Moroni." (Maycee )

"Moroni wanted to get the war over with rather than let the Lamanites go back and get prepared. He would rather battle it out now." ( Mom)

"Zarahemna's hatred of the Nephites consumed him to the point that he would rather die and cause the death of his soldiers rather than take an oath not to come back to war against the Nephites. Making decisions out of anger and hatred always leads to bad outcomes."  (Dad) 

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Alma 44:3-9 (9/27/17)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  I Love To See The Temple
Prayer:  Brandon

Alma 44:3-9

What we learned...
"Moroni offered a deal to the Lamanites to let them live if they swore an oath to never kill again and to throw away their weapons." (Brandon)

"Zarahemna said that it wasn't God that delivered the Lamanites into the Nephites hand but rather the cunning planning of the Nephites and their armor." (Kenyon)

"The Lamanites didn't take the offer of the oath because they knew they might break it later, which shows how serious it was to break an oath back then
." (Shaylee)

"Back then it was very bad to break an oath." (Jaron)

"Moroni told the Lamanites that they could put away their weapons and swear and oath or they would kill them right now." (Maycee & Mom)

"Moroni gave credit for their success in the war to their belonging to the true faith of God and being blessed by Him for being faithful to Him but Zarahemna denied that and claimed it was because of the Nephites cunningness and armor. These two things aren't mutually exclusive so they're both right. Because the Nephites were faithful to God He blessed them with inspiration on how to prepare for and fight the Lamanites."  (Dad) 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Alma 43:50-54, 44:1-2 (9/26/17)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  I Love To See The Temple
Prayer:  Mom

Alma 43:50-54, 44:1-2

What we learned...
"The Nephites surrounded the Lamanites and it looked like they were about to finish them off but Moroni told them to stop killing them." (Shaylee)

"When the Lamanites got surrounded the Nephites didn't finish them off because they weren't out to kill the Lamanites." (Kenyon)

"When the Nephites cried to the Lord for their freedom, the Lamanites fled before them." (Maycee & Mom)

"The Nephites surrounded the Lamanites, and the Lamanites were scared and thought they were going to die." (Jaron)

"When the Nephites cried out to the Lord in the same hour they began to gain strength, and the Lamanites started to flee
." (Brandon)

"Although the Nephite army had surrounded the Lamanites and could have finished killing them off Captain Moroni caused his armies to stop shedding their blood because it was not their desire to kill the Lamanites. They just wanted to be left alone to be free to raise their families and worship God as they please."  (Dad) 

Monday, September 25, 2017

Alma 43:43-49 (9/25/17)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  Kindness Begins With Me
Prayer:  Jaron

Alma 43:43-49

What we learned...
"Moroni's army was scared because the Lamanite army was getting a lot stronger." (Jaron)

"Both armies had pep talks from their leaders to encourage them in their fighting." (Kenyon)

"Despite being surrounded by Nephites the Lamanites fought with extreme strength due to their fear and anger
." (Brandon)

"Captain Moroni was giving a pep talk to his army
." (Shaylee)

"The Nephites were fighting for their families, their homes and for their freedom." (Maycee & Mom)

"Good leaders inspire their followers to remember the reasons why they are doing things to get them to do their best."  (Dad) 

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Alma 43:29-42 (9/24/17)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  Praise To The Man
Prayer:  Dad

Alma 43:29-42

What we learned...
"The Nephites hid and surprised the Lamanite army." (Maycee & Mom)

"The Nephites snuck up behind the Lamanites, and then the Lamanites tried to escape but ran into Moroni's army and was trapped." (Jaron)

"The Nephite armies ambushed and surrounded the Lamanites thanks to the planning of Moroni." (Kenyon)

"The Lamanites were being followed by the Nephites. They battled when they figured out and then fled when their losses were great but were surrounded by the Nephite army." (Brandon)

"The Lamanites were afraid of the Nephites because they were prepared physically so they tried to attack the city Manti
." (Shaylee)

"Moroni did not feel guilty about sending spies or doing whatever was necessary to defend his people since their motivation was to be left alone so that they could worship God, raise their families, and maintain their freedom whereas the Lamanites motivation was to set up a kingdom over Nephites and enslave them."  (Dad) 

Friday, September 22, 2017

Alma 43:22-29 (9/22/17)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron, Maycee & Rian
Prayer:  Jaron

Alma 43:22-29

What we learned...
"The Nephites sent out spies to gather information about the Lamanites." (Jaron)

"Moroni placed spies everywhere so they would know when the Lamanites would come to war." (Shaylee)

"Captain Moroni sent spies to spy on the Lamanites." (Maycee)

"Moroni left some of the army in Jershon to make sure the Lamanites didn't pull any tricks on them to pull them away
." (Brandon)

"The Lamanites were going into this war with the intent to either kill the Nephites or enslave them." (Kenyon)

"Moroni had good strategy and left some people in Jershon and took others to Manti so he could protect both of the lands." (Mom)

"Captain Moroni sent messengers to as Alma to inquire of the Lord on what the Lamanite armies were doing so that they could be prepared. Captain Moroni turn his faith into action."  (Dad) 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Alma 43:15-21 (9/20/17)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  Count Your Many Blessings
Prayer:  Shaylee

Alma 43:15-21

What we learned...
"The Nephites had armor and weapons, and the Lamanites had no armor but lots of weapons so they were afraid." (Shaylee)

"The captain of the Nephite army prepared his soldiers with much better defense than Zarahemna did with the Lamanite army." (Kenyon)

"Moroni took command of the Nephite army when he was only 25." (Maycee & Mom)

"So the Nephites were prepared with armor and weapons, but the Lamanites had a lot of weapons and no armor and were almost naked so they were afraid." (Jaron)

"The Lamanites were afraid of the Nephites despite having a much larger army due to the preparedness of the Nephite army." (Brandon)

"Those who follow the Lord will be better prepared for the challenges they face because the Lord will prompt them to be prepared, whereas the wicked tend to be lazy and not prepare because of the time and effort it takes to be prepared."  (Dad) 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Alma 43:8-14 (9/19/17)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  Kindness Begins With Me
Prayer:  Kenyon

Alma 43:8-14

What we learned...
"The people of Ammon were being protected by the Nephites so they gave the Nephites large portions of their supplies." (Kenyon)

"The people of Ammon lived in the land of Jershon, which they inherited from the Nephites." (Jaron)

"The people of Ammon could not fight because they buried their weapons of war so the Nephites fought for them so they wouldn't be slaughtered." (Shaylee)

"The people of Ammon went to the land of Jershon." (Maycee)

"Zarahemna wanted to stir up the Lamanites against the Nephites to preserve their hatred." (Mom)

"There was a lot of converts so there was a lot more people in the land of Jershon, which was a lot of people to support
." (Brandon)

"The motivation of Zarahemna and the leaders of the Lamanites was to gain power over the Nephites and put them into bondage or slavery. The motivation of the Nephites, however, was to support their lands, homes and families, to preserve their rights and liberty and to worship God."  (Dad) 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Alma 43:1-7 (9/18/17)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  The Lord Is My Light
Prayer:  Jaron

Alma 43:1-7

What we learned...
"Alma and his sons went out to preach." (Maycee & Mom)

"The Zoramites are apostate Nephites." (Jaron)

"The Amalekites were made captains over the Lamanites because they were more wicked and murderous and were more devoted to their cause to lead
." (Brandon)

"The Lamanites wanted a leader who would preserve their hatred." (Kenyon)

"Alma and his sons preached the word of God through the spirit of prophecy and revelation."  (Dad) 

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Alma 42:19-31 (9/17/17/)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron, Maycee & Elias
Hymn:  Nearer, My God, To Thee
Prayer:  Brandon

Alma 42:19-31

What we learned...
"If there wasn't any law then there wouldn't be any punishment or sins since there's nothing telling you not to do it.." (Brandon)

"If there was no such thing as no one would be afraid to do it." (Shaylee)

"Mercy cannot rob justice which means that only through the atonement and repentance can both be met." (Kenyon)

"Part of God's great plan is allowing us agency which will lead to our salvation or destruction." (Elias)

"You can come and partake of waters of life freely but no one can make you come." (Maycee & Mom)

"If there was no such thing as sin everyone would do it." (Jaron)

"We should not find fault with God and the conditions of His plan of salvation but instead only let our sins trouble us to the point where we feel remorse of conscience and repent of our sins instead of seeking to rationalize and excuse our sins."  (Dad) 

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Alma 42:13-18 (9/16/17)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  I Love to See the Temple
Prayer:  Mom

Alma 42:13-18

What we learned...
"Without the atonement there would be no mercy so we would all be subjects to Satan." (Shaylee)

"If Jesus didn't atone for our sins we wouldn't have mercy." (Kenyon)

"Repentance cannot come unto man except there was punishment." (Jaron)

"Remores of conscience means that you feel guilty when you do something wrong." (Maycee & 

"The work of justice could not be destroyed or else God would cease to be God, which means that God must not let mercy rob justice. He has to be fair to all and thus provide the same way to obtain mercy for all, which is through the conditions of the atonement - faith in Jesus Christ, repentance and baptism."  (Dad)