Jesus Visits the Nephites

Jesus Visits the Nephites

Saturday, June 30, 2018

3 Nephi 6:22-28 (6/30/18)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  High On a Mountain Top
Prayer:  Dad

What we learned...
"Giving too much power to one person is bad because corruption can spread too easily." (Kenyon)

"The lawyers were killing the prophets before telling the governor." (Maycee & Mom)

"Covenants are not necessarily are something that is good because in this case they were not good because the judges and lawyers made covenants to help each other break the system of justice to save themselves." (Brandon)

"The lawyers and judges were judged by the people to see if they were in on the deaths." (Shaylee)

"The wicked people were killing the righteous people
." (Jaron)

"Having checks and balances with those in power help to prevent corruption and abuse of power, which is why the judges and lawyers had to get the governor's approval before they could put someone to death. The people suffer when those in power do not follow the checks and balances to keep them in place, and the same applies to our government today." (Dad)

Monday, June 18, 2018

3 Nephi 6:15-21 (6/18/18)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  I Am a Child of God
Prayer:  Maycee

What we learned...
"The people were led away by Satan and became very, very wicked." (Maycee & Mom)

"The people did not sin ignorantly." (Jaron)

"The Nephites willing rebelled against God even though they knew of His power and commandments." (Kenyon)

"If God looks at mistakes but you're trying to fix it He looks at it differently than if you knowingly sin and aren't trying to fix it like with the Nephites." (Brandon)

"The chief judges were angry at the things the inspired men testified of because the guilty taketh the truth to be hard." (Shaylee)

"Satan did tempt the Nephites with pride, power & authority, riches and the vain things of the world and did lead them astray. But the devil didn't make them do just like God cannot make us keep the commandments. They are both trying to persuade and lead us to follow them but it is us who chooses. So we cannot use the excuse that the devil or anybody else made us do it or sin
." (Dad)

Sunday, June 17, 2018

3 Nephi 6:1-14 (6/17/18)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  A Child's Prayer
Prayer:  Maycee

What we learned...
"The Nephites let the robbers who entered the covenant of peace to have land." (Maycee & Mom)

"The few Lamanites who were converted were the ones who stayed strong when the church began to break up." (Brandon)

"The Nephites were being really prideful
." (Jaron)

"The people of the church began to set their hearts upon riches and became prideful." (Shaylee)

"The Nephites began to become prideful because of their exceeding riches." (Kenyon)

"After the Nephites returned to their lands they had peace and prosperity and built up cities and roads
." (Dad)

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

3 Nephi 5:20-26 (6/13/18)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron, Maycee & Elias
Hymn:  Kindness Begins With Me
Prayer:  Kenyon

What we learned...
"Mormon is a pure descendant of Lehi." (Kenyon)

"The Lord blessed the House of Jacob and the seed of Joseph because they were righteous." (Maycee & Mom)

"The children of Lehi got blessed because they kept the commandments." (Jaron)

"The children of Lehi got blessings from the Lord because they kept the commandments." (Shaylee)

"The House of Jacob is the same thing of the House of Israel, and you don't need to be a literal descendant to be part of it." (Brandon)

"If you accept the gospel then you can be adopted into the House of Jacob if you're not already a direct descendant." (Elias)

"In the Lord's due time all of the House of Jacob or Israel shall come to know of the covenants the Lord has made with them and that Jesus Christ is the son of God and their redeemer." (Dad)

Sunday, June 10, 2018

3 Nephi 5:6-19 (6/10/18)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron, Maycee & Elias
Hymn:  Families Can Be Together Forever
Prayer:  Mom

What we learned...
"Mormon is a disciple of Jesus Christ." (Maycee & Mom)

"Mormon was named after the land where Alma established the church." (Brandon)

"Mormon was the one who put together all the books in the Book of Mormon." (Kenyon)

"Mormon made a record of things he saw
." (Jaron)

"Mormon made records of things that already happened and also of things that he witnessed." (Shaylee)

"Mormon declared that he was a disciple of Jesus Christ and was called by Him to preach the gospel among his people that they might have eternal life. Disciples of Jesus Christ today have the same purpose as they did back then - to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to others so that they might receive eternal life, which is the greatest gift of God to His children
." (Dad)

Saturday, June 9, 2018

3 Nephi 5:1-5 (6/9/18)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  Love One Another
Prayer:  Dad

What we learned...
"The Nephites knew that Christ had come because of the many signs the prophets gave had been fulfilled." (Maycee & Mom)

"The Nephites repented of all their sins and served God diligently day and night
." (Shaylee)

"The Nephites repented of their sins and were righteous." (Jaron)

"The Nephites preached the gospel to the Gadianton robber prisoners and allowed them to go free if they repented and were willing to make a covenant that they would no more murder. This is a sign of a truly Christlike people. They don't seek for the destruction of their enemies but to help them repent and come unto God so that they might be saved
." (Dad)

Thursday, June 7, 2018

3 Nephi 4:26-33 (6/7/18)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron, Maycee & Elias
Hymn:  Happy Family
Prayer:  Maycee

What we learned...
"The Nephites used hanging Zemnarihah on a tree as an example to his followers to stop trying to kill them." (Maycee & Mom)

"Zemnarihah got hanged." (Jaron)

"The Nephites offered the Gadianton robber to either let them yield themselves as prisoner or be slain." (Brandon)

"The Nephites were rewarded because they were humble and repentant." (Elias)

"The Nephites hung Zemnarihah on a tree and chopped it down." (Shaylee)

"The Nephites started singing and praising God for preserving them." (Kenyon)

"The Nephites recognized that they were delivered from the Gadianton robbers not because of their own strength but because of God's protection due to their humility and repentance
." (Dad)

Monday, June 4, 2018

3 Nephi 4:19-26 (6/4/18)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron, Maycee & Elias
Hymn:  The Spirit of God
Prayer:  Elias

What we learned...
"The robbers wore out their resources too quickly so they were starving and were weak." (Elias)

"The robbers were starving to death because they could not find any food in the wilderness." (Maycee)

"The Gadianton robbers just ate meat." (Jaron)

"The Nephites kept going to cut off the armies of Gadianton." (Mom)

"The Nephites knew that the Gadianton robbers were fleeing so they decided to cut them off." (Kenyon)

"The Gadianton robbers were running low on their supply of food so they fled." (Shaylee)

"The Gadianton robbers were running low on resources because they weren't prepared." (Brandon)

"The Gadianton robbers ate too many of the wild game in the wilderness for them to replenish their population and thus ran out of animals to hunt. Their plan was not sustainable
." (Dad)

Sunday, June 3, 2018

3 Nephi 4:5-18 (6/3/18)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  I Am a Child of God
Prayer:  Maycee

What we learned...
"Giddianhi went to war against the Nephites and Lamanites, but they slaughtered the Gadianton robbers." (Maycee & Mom)

"Giddianhi got killed by the sword." (Jaron)

"." (Brandon)

"When the Gadianton robbers showed up for battle the Nephites fell to their knees to pray to God but the Gadianton robbers thought they fell to their knees because they were afraid of them. They were wrong." (Kenyon)

"The Nephites and Lamanites throughout all this had much more provisions than the Gadianton robbers because they had prepared for seven years." (Shaylee)

"Despite all the threatenings and oaths Giddianhi had made against the Nephites he could not defeat the Nephites because they had turned to the Lord for protection, obeyed the prophet and prepared
." (Dad)