Jesus Visits the Nephites

Jesus Visits the Nephites

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Ether 14:1-8 (01/31/19)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron, Maycee & Elias
Hymn:  The Lord Is My Light
Prayer:  Kenyon

Ether 14:1-8

What we learned...

"Because of the wickedness of the people there was a curse upon the land where their tools and weapons would disappear." (Kenyon)

"Because of all the robbers people became more weary and defensive throughout the land." (Brandon)

"Coriantumr stayed in the wilderness with his army to cut their losses." (Elias)

"The brother of Shared's army march forth from the wilderness by night and killed part of the army of Coriantumr
." (Jaron)

"Shared came forth to the land of Moron and did place him upon the throne of Coriantumr.
" (Maycee)

"A part of Coriantumr's army were killed because they were drunk." (Shaylee)

"Coriantumr strengthened his army in the wilderness." (Mom)

"The secret combinations joined up with Gilead, Shared's brother, because they seek to get gain and power and by overthrowing the king it would enable them to seize power and get gain over the people." (Dad)

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Ether 13:21-31 (01/28/19)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron & Maycee
Hymn:  We'll Bring The World The Truth
Prayer:  Dad

Ether 13:21-31

What we learned...

"Robbers and all manner of wickedness was upon the land." (Maycee)

"The first time Coriantumr and Shared fought Shared won and put Coriantumr into captivity." (Shaylee)

"Anger is of the devil so if you get angry you should calm down first before you say things or make decisions." (Brandon)

"The robbers became ever present upon the face of the land." (Kenyon)

"Everyone but Coriantumr would die." (Jaron)

"Coriantumr and his family refused to repent, which would have protected them from their enemies. When refuse to repent in our lives we not only are not forgiven of our sins but also we lose out on blessings that we could have had and bring upon ourselves bad consequences. It's good if we repent even if it's from suffering the consequences of our bad choices; it's better that we repent quickly so that we can avoid bringing upon ourselves terrible consequences and regain the Spirit and blessings of the Lord in our lives; but it's best that we don't sin to begin with so that we stay on the covenant path and have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost and blessings from the Lord, including having His help to get through the difficulties in our lives." (Dad)

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Ether 13:11-20 (01/26/19)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron, Maycee, Grandpa Summers & Grandma Summers
Hymn:  I Am a Child of God
Prayer:  Maycee

Ether 13:11-20

What we learned...

"Coriantumr and his sons did to the people that were trying to destroy him they fought much and bled much." (Maycee)

"Moroni spoke of Ether and how he had to hide in a cave." (Kenyon)

"Though Ether gave the people magnificent knowledge they didn't think anything of it and cast him out." (Brandon)

"Ether told Coriantumr that if he and his family would repent of their sins that they would be protected." (Shaylee)

"Ether hid in a cave because the people wanted to kill him." (Jaron)

"Those who keep the Abrahamic covenant will be blessed." (Grandma Summers)

"Those who were first will be last and those who were last will be first
." (Grandpa Summers)

"After Ether got cast out Coriantumr got threatened by those in the secret combinations." (Mom)

"Moroni was forbidden to write more of the prophesies of the last days because the Lord had ordained John the Revelator, or the Beloved, to write about the detailed revelations of the last days." (Dad)

Friday, January 25, 2019

Ether 13:1-10 (01/25/19)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron, Maycee, Grandma Phelon, Grandpa Summers & Grandma Summers
Hymn:  I Am a Child of God
Prayer:  Jaron

Ether 13:1-10

What we learned...

"The people rejected the words of Ether." (Jaron)

"The seed of Joseph will inhabit the New Jerusalem." (Maycee)

"The New Jerusalem will be built in this promised land." (Shaylee)

"Ether prophesied that the New Jerusalem will be built on the promised land to the remnant of the seed of Joseph." (Brandon)

"Those who will be in the New Jerusalem will be blessed." (Kenyon)

"The New Jerusalem is supposed to come down out of heaven." (Grandma Phelon)

"The land where we live is a choice land above all other lands." (Mom)

"The Lord is merciful." (Grandma Summers)

"The remnant of the house of Joseph will dwell in this land
." (Grandpa Summers)

"Those who live in the New Jerusalem with be righteous for their garments will be white because they have washed them in the blood of Jesus Christ meaning partaking of the blessings of His Atonement." (Dad)

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Ether 12:32-41 (01/24/19)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron, Maycee, Grandma Phelon, Grandpa Summers & Grandma Summers
Hymn:  Teach Me To Walk In The Light
Prayer:  Brandon

Ether 12:32-41

What we learned...

"We can't just get baptized and repent once. We need to endure to the end and continually grow our faith." (Brandon)

"If the Gentiles have not charity then the Lord will take away their talents." (Jaron)

"Moroni prayed unto the Lord that He would give the Gentiles grace and charity." (Maycee)

"If the Gentiles mock Moroni for his bad way of writing that would not be charitable because it's not Christlike to mock others." (Shaylee)

"Moroni invites us to seek Jesus who the prophets and apostles wrote about." (Kenyon)

"Jesus loved us so much that He laid down His life for us and prepared a way for us to return unto Him
." (Grandma Summers)

"This love, charity, is the pure love of Christ and will help us inherit the Celestial kingdom
." (Grandpa Summers)

"Moroni knows that Jesus loved the world so much that He laid down His life for them." (Mom)

"Moroni made this record and wished that he could write more eloquently but he wrote sufficiently to warn us, and if we receive these things we will be judged for the things we know but haven't done or praised for living what we knew to be true." (Grandma Phelon)

"Moroni taught that we must have faith, hope and charity to inherit eternal life. If we are not charitable we cannot dwell in the Celestial kingdom. We are here to become like Jesus, otherwise the Celestial kingdom wouldn't be heaven if people aren't charitable, kind and Christlike." (Dad)

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Ether 12:26-31 (01/22/19)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron, Maycee & Grandma Phelon
Hymn:  The Lord Is My Light
Prayer:  Shaylee

Ether 12:26-31

What we learned...

"If you're humble then God will show you your weaknesses and turn them into your strengths." (Shaylee)

"The Brother of Jared moved mountains through faith." (Jaron)

"After the disciples had faith they spoke in the name of God, and God showed Himself to them." (Maycee)

"We are given weaknesses, and we can overcome the weaknesses through faith, hope and charity, which are stairsteps that build upon each other, and charity is the greatest of them." (Grandma Phelon)

"The Lord will make our weak things strong if we humble ourselves and work at them." (Mom)

"We should put our trust in God and do what He says even if we don't think we're good at it or that others will find fault with us for He said that fools will mock us but also that in the end they will mourn because they lost out on the blessings of God by mocking those who are trying to them to Him." (Dad)

Monday, January 21, 2019

Ether 12:17-25 (01/21/19)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron, Maycee, Elias & Grandma Phelon
Prayer:  Grandma Phelon

Ether 12:17-25

What we learned...

"No miracles happen until after faith." (Maycee)

"If you have really good faith you could see beyond the veil
." (Jaron)

"The doctrines being preached are more important than they way they are delivered. You can always find fault with the human ways but it's the doctrine that really matters." (Elias)

"There have been many figures that had enough faith to see beyond the veil like the Brother of Jared, Nephi, and Moses." (Brandon)

"Moroni explained the promise of their writings coming unto the Lamanites through the Gentile came unto his fathers by faith." (Kenyon)

"Even before Christ was born some people had very strong faith.
" (Shaylee)

"With very, very strong faith the Lord can become visible and show them unto things not seen by other people
." (Grandma Phelon)

"The Brother of Jared was the first to have enough faith to see through the veil and was a great writer." (Mom)

"Moroni lamented that he was not as powerful in writing as he was in speaking and worried that the Gentiles would find fault and reject this record because of his imperfections." (Dad)