CLICK TO READ 1 Nephi 15:35-36, 16:1-5
1 Nephi 15:35
Q: Those who do not dwell in the kingdom of God will be cast out because of what? (Dad)A: "The justice he has spoken of." (Kenyon)
Q: What about mercy? I thought God was merciful. (Dad)
A: "God is merciful because they were being wicked and not following His commandments." (Shaylee) "Yes, and the atonement of Jesus Christ is what allow us to receive mercy and forgiveness but it is conditional upon us having faith in Christ, repenting of our sins and following Him." (Dad)
1 Nephi 15:36
Q: What is the most precious and desirable gift of God to us? (Dad)
A: "Well, one of the most precious gifts God gives to us is the tree of life. It represents Jesus Christ." (Shaylee) "Yes, and His atonement. We can only receive Eternal Life, the greatest gift from God, through the atonement of His only begotten son." (Dad)
1 Nephi 16:1Q: Why do you think that Laman and Lemuel thought that what Nephi told them was too hard? (Dad)
A: "Because they didn't want to do it. I think Laman and Lemuel were complaining because God is asking us to go to church every Sunday and learn all this stuff." (Shaylee) "Exactly, people don't complain if they're asked to do things they want to. They're saying it's hard because they don't want to keep the Lord's commandments." (Dad)
1 Nephi 16:2
Q: How do the wicked or guilty take or handle the truth? (Dad)
A: "It cutteth them to the very center." (Brandon) "They think the truth is hard." (Shaylee)
1 Nephi 16:3
Q: Nephi told Laman and Lemuel that if they were righteous they would do what? (Dad)A: "Give heed unto the truth, which means to listen and follow the truth. Then they would not murmur." (Brandon)
1 Nephi 16:4
Q: What did Nephi exhort or try to talk Laman and Lemuel into doing? (Dad)A: "To keep and follow the commandments of the Lord." (Brandon)
Q: How did he try to exhort them? (Dad)
A: "With all diligence." (Brandon) "Yes, he tried very hard to convince them to repent and follow the Lord." (Dad)
Q: Why did he try so hard? (Dad)
A: "He was a good brother." (Kenyon) "Yes, and he loved them. When we love people we don't give up on them. And Heavenly Father and Jesus don't ever give up on us, which shows how much they love us." (Dad)
1 Nephi 16:5
Q: Did Nephi's efforts to get his brothers to repent work? (Dad)A: "Yes, they humbled themselves. Overall they didn't." (Brandon) "Yes, we know that it didn't last, and they would harden their hearts and become wicked again. However, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try or give up on people. We cannot force people to be righteous and follow the Lord. They must choose to. But our job is like Nephi to continue to bear our testimony of the truth and to try and persuade them to return and repent and follow the Lord and do it with love not in a self-righteous way." (Dad)
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