Jesus Visits the Nephites

Jesus Visits the Nephites

Sunday, December 7, 2014

1 Nephi 2:8-14 (12/06/14)

CLICK TO READ  1 Nephi 2:8-14


1 Nephi 2:9

Q:  Why did Lehi name the river after Laman? (Dad)
A:  "Because he's a lot like the Red Sea." (Shaylee) "He named it after him because he wants Laman to be like the river that flows continually into the Red Sea to be continually running into the fountain of righteous." (Kenyon)  "Yes, Laman isn't like the river being continually righteous but Lehi is hoping it will help remind him to be that way."  (Dad)

1 Nephi 2:10

Q:  Why did Lehi name the valley after Lemuel? (Dad)
A:  "Because he wanted him to be firm, steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments." (Brandon

1 Nephi 2:11

Q:  Why were Laman and Lemuel murmuring against Lehi? (Dad)
A:  "Because they didn't want to leave their home and all their money and stuff." (Shaylee)

Q:  Since Laman and Lemuel obeyed by leaving Jerusalem, do you think they'll get the same blessings as Nephi? (Dad)
A.  "Nephi's blessings will be greater because he left without complaining and they did not." (Brandon)  "So the lesson is that we get more blessings from being obedient with a good attitude than if we obey and complain. That is a key to being happy in life. Hard things will happen throughout your life. Even though you cannot control all hard things thing from happening you can control your attitude, and you'll be happier and the others around you when you endure cheerfully." (Dad)

1 Nephi 2:12

Q:  What was the real cause of Laman and Lemuel's murmuring? (Dad)
A:  "They did not know all the God has done for them. They didn't pay attention." (Brandon 

1 Nephi 2:13

Q:  So how were Laman and Lemuel like the people in Jerusalem? (Dad)
A:  "Because they wanted to kill Lehi, and they believed it was too great of a city to be destroyed." (Stephanie)  "Because they were wicked just like the people in Jerusalem." (Shaylee)

1 Nephi 2:14

Q:  How did Lehi get Laman and Lemuel to stop murmuring?  (Dad)
A:  "He was filled with the Spirit, and he freaked them out by shaking their frames by the things that he said." (Kenyon)  

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