Jesus Visits the Nephites

Jesus Visits the Nephites

Thursday, August 2, 2018

3 Nephi 12:37-48 (8/2/18)

Scripture study participants:  Dad, Mom, Brandon, Kenyon, Shaylee, Jaron, Maycee, Case, Vickie, Elizabeth & Ethan
Hymn:  Kindness Begins With Me
Prayer:  Shaylee

What we learned...
"When people say an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth it means that if someone does something mean to you can do it back but you shouldn't." (Shaylee)

"Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth it means if someone does something bad to you that you can do it back to them but you shouldn't." (Maycee)

"You should be kind to everyone if those who aren't kind to you." (Mom)

"Jeffrey R. Holland said that we should be perfect...eventually. If we persevere we will eventually become perfect." (Vickie)

"Love everybody, including our enemies." (Jaron)

"Being perfect or what the Lord expects of us is like kayaking up a slow stream. If you stop moving up stream you'll go backwards so you got to keep working at it." (Brandon)

"The Lord taught that we should live the higher law and turn the other cheek instead of living the law of Moses." (Kenyon)

"You should follow the Golden Rule instead of eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth." (Ethan)

"You cannot love your enemies until you truly believe what Jesus said 'forgive them for they know not what they do' and recognize that they are Heavenly Father's children and know not what they do." (Case)

"No matter what someone does to you, you don't have the right to not forgive them and they're more likely to change if you do." (Elizabeth)

"We will stand out from the rest of the world by following what Jesus taught because it goes against the natural man, and we will be able to help people to recognize the light and influence them to come unto Christ
." (Dad)

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